About us
The European Centre for Governance in Complexity (ECGC) is a non-profit organisation that promotes academic research and public debate on issues and institutions of public governance and how they perform in conditions of complexity.
ECGC was founded in 2015 to promote academic collaboration between European academic and governmental institutions, and in particular between the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities at the University of Bergen and the Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.
ECGC is registered in the Norwegian governmental registry as an “ideal cause organisation”, meaning a charitable, non-profit organisation. Organisation Number 916 178 778.
ECGC’s first headquarters (2015-17) resided in the Research Park at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Spain. Since 2017, our headquarters are located in Bergen, Norway. Address: ECGC, Totlandsvegen 2, N-5224 NESTTUN, Norway.
Contact us at post@ecgc.eu